Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Persecution of the Jews

This article is so instresting but so scary at the same time. I mean how the Jewish people went from being like everyday citizens to being treated no better then dirt. All because they didn't fall into one person's definition of the true race. Then all the people were really forced to go along with all these acts, due to anger at their situation and fear of having the government come for them. But the scary part was that some of the things that lead up to the holocaust happened here in america. for example the second Nuremberg Law which was the "Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor" was similar to some of the Jim Crow laws. They prohibited interracial marriages and punishing those that got involved espeically the males. That's why reading this is kinda scary. If it wasn't for the fact that blacks were slaves and needed that could have lead to a "holocaust" here in the US.