Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Power of Words in Wartime

1. Words in wartime seem to have a maniupulating psycological power where demeaning "the enemy" to just the enemy or something else more dorogitory takes the act of killing humans okay.

2. I think she is very right in saying how powerful words are in war. Giving an enemy a name can help build a huge sense of us versus them and serve as a justifiable reason in itself to be at war.

3. I think that this artcile is about what exactly the title says. It is about laguage in wartime not more about war or words but them both put together. She discusses how war is not right but she just as much discusses words and how hateful they can become.

4. I think that that what she says is almost entirely true. Yes these linguistic habits may be extremely important to some, everyone has their own resaons for fighting and may not care who or what their opponents are called.

5. I think that it is obvious that it is not only Americans that use these slang terms to demoralize the enemy. If you can not realize this then i think you should probably get out more. Humans as a race do this act of liguistic hate and enemy demorilizing all the time, especially during wartime.