Thursday, February 7, 2008

Power of Words in Wartime

1. If "we give them nicknames, we can see them as smaller, weaker and childlike -not worth taking seriously as fully human"(par.6).

2. Yes, it is obvious that she is completly unaware of the situation in Iraq. The examples were totally of base considering the fact that "the enemies" are not wearing uniforms and are not considered "enemies" until they not just armed but posing a serious threat to the military. Even then there are time when the US military is not allowed to retaliate when "the enemy" does open fire, as in the case of a late friend and former soldier who was not allowed to retaliate.

3. Primarily about war, I understand her motives but she uses too few examples (bad ones of Iraq) and little evidence to support her arguement. The introduction to the essay is more informative than the actual work itself.

4. She barely explains the situation -as a writer you cannot assume that the reader is completly informed, and uses only her opinion to support the statement.

5. Weakens it totally, I recieved little more than frustration when reading this article.