Thursday, February 14, 2008

Second Half of maus 1

The tension really rises as you continue to read into the second half of the first book. Tragedy that we have been expecting happens. You also get to see how Artie is stuck in the middle of Vladek and Malla's disputes as well as the relationship Artie and his father have.
I found that the Novel just beacme more and more interesting as the story unfolded. Even though we all pretty much know what is going to happen we still read with a sense of question and worry. You can always tell when a movie or a novel is good when you get a strong feeling for the characters and then they seem so real like its happeneing in your life. Maus so far has done this to me as i try and relate to the characters.
I think that the illustrations do not ake away form the story in the least. They just help to understand especially sense some of the dialogue form the Jews isnt the best gramatically. Because of the simplicity of the characters and the rest fo the drawings i am able to see more as we learned earlier on before we started reading. I also like how it is in black and white with no color. I think color would have taken away form the message and the story. Color would have put a sense of joy in the book and so far i havent seen any.
I still find the idea of animals as the characters so different yet very intelligent. Its kind of a sly way of portraying the different races. Its funny how the jews where pig masks to disguise themselves as pols. The choice for each race continues to be so relative and real.


plunk said...

I agree that the characters are very real with their own quirks and flaws. I have started to really care for what happens for them. It's like I am getting to know them personally.

SuzieB said...

I agree with you that I think the illustrations are more there to help understand the dialogue. I think the simplicity of them leaves the viewer up to interpret more of whats happening instead of being able to just view the pictures and understand whats going on.

f.v said...

on the black and white it reminded me of teh movie schindler's list, which is about the holocaust aswell, and how it was in black and white but certain key aspects were in color, making it more schocking. (ex, there was a little jewish girl with a red dress on walking on the street and as teh movie enfolds, you see somebody burying somebody with that red dress on, meaning her)

drerupdevin said...

OMG I AGREE WITH f.v!!! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY. the connection with simplicity is very important to this novel because it is such a powerful event that can be expressed without extreme detail. We as a growing society evpect vivid colors, extensive details and very intelligent precise words when all that does is get in the way of the story. The simplicity of the pictures and the use of incorrect grammar once again bring in the reality of the story.

rburke said...

I think that s a really good point, in the sense that we know whats going to happen yet we keep reading to know whats going to happen. I also think the point made about the lack of detail is really interesting. a story that is this intense really doesnt need all this extra detail, because it really would take away from the story.