Monday, March 24, 2008

V- first 100

I was surprised at how much the story intrigued me. From what i had heard and seen about the story, I didn't think I would like it that much. It just didn't seem like my think. However, once I really started reading it, I found that it really sucked me in. i was surprised at the depth of the characters, especially V. I was also surprised when I found out Evey is only 16. I can really tell that a lot of thought went into this novel. Just the formation of the government is well done and realistic. The characters, except for V, all have their own strengths and weaknesses, making them seem very real as well.
I found that one of the main reasons the novel sucked me in so much was not for the story that was happening then, but because of the story that had already happened. I really want to know just what happened to V in the past, and why he decided to take the actions he is taking. I am reading more for the sake of the characters than the plot.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the realism, and i agree ALOT of thought went into this thing. it keeps my gears turning and i like that:)