Saturday, March 22, 2008

V for Vendetta: First 100

I enjoyed the first 100 pages of the book. The images are very unique and detailed, and the writing is top notch. Although we don't know much at this point, we do know that V is extremely smart and will eliminate anyone who gets in the way of what he wants, which is total anarchism in the UK (hey, that's a song!). Evey is an interesting character as well. Her and V meet when she is about to be attacked by undercover police, and the two couldn't be any more different. Evey is innocent, even naive in nature, and frowns upon the loss of innocent life, something that doesn't seem to matter to V. So far, it's been a little confusing, mainly due to the large amount of characters in the story. I believe it will become a little easier to read as we go on the book. But all in all, I am really intrigued by this book so far.