Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Beginning of Black Hole

I'm not even close to finished. I'm painstakingly trying to keep my mind involved with what little plot there is in this book. As far as illustrations go, this book has good ones. As far as writing, plot, and character development go; this book has nothing to offer so far. It may be playing at the idea of teenage pop culture: sex, drugs, rock & roll--no doubt the author knows about that having worked with Iggy Pop in the past, but so far it's not there; it's not interesting and frankly some of the images are gross. Not the nudity that actually doesnt bother me at all--it's the foot. The cut foot, the foot with junk coming out of it. I hate feet and I'm completely grossed out by the foot stuff.
Hopefully, though, the story builds, the plot and characters develop--at least a little bit--and I am able to take something away from this book other than don't have sex with someone that has a talking mouth on their chest.


Anonymous said...

haha dont worry im sure the book will get to the point. until then we just get to enjoy Burn's exhaggeration of the bizarrity of life