Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Black Hole Beginning

The beginning of Black Hole has confused me to no end. I don't really understand this "bug" thing everyone is getting. Is it only passed through sex, or are there other ways of getting it? How did it start? Why are only teenagers getting it?
Honestly, the story so far has weirded me out from the girl kissing the little mouth to the guy getting turned on by the tail. I also got confused at first trying to figure out exactly what was dream and what was reality, because the reality is just as strange as the dreams. In some ways, the general strangeness and sexual themes of the story reminds me of Japanese-style horror manga.
One thing I really like in the novel is the art work. There is no attempt to make the characters appear unnaturally pretty or anything. After all, Keith even has a unibrow. The way the shading and detailing is done by simple little lines gives it an eerie kind of feel to me, especially when there is a lot of shading on the faces.


Anonymous said...

I think the Bug can also be passed through blood or saliva, because of the scene at the fast food place where he spit in that guys mouth and sayed "now youre one of us".. trippy stuff. and i dont read alot of japanese horror but i can definitely see that connection