Friday, April 18, 2008


How did V get so good at killing people? I mean he seems to murder with ease.I realize that he is well read and knows alot about society and so on, but its one thing to see or read about something and to actually do it yourself is another. I understand that he probably learned how to make explosives from the books he reads, but you would think it would think that even in makeing homemade explosives the goverenment could have picked up on it. I may not be stealing the explosives, but he is stealing large quantities of the materials needed to make them. I know that the colors used throughout the book have a purpose, but i just dont like the color scheme...i hate the color yellow...I do however enjoy the way the images are drawn, they have alot of detail but you can still infer alot from them. I also like how the graphics foreshadow when V is about to kill someone- the little mask appears in the drawing.