Sunday, March 30, 2008

Black Hole (all of it)

I read all of Black Hole and I really liked it a lot. Though the really climactic part wasn't necessarily that climactic, in my opinion, it still had some good parts. How the whole disease part got started I didn't get. How did they initially get the disease. I know they contracted "the bug" by having sex, but how or why did it get started? Apparently only teens could get it, that part wasn't really explained that well either. I liked how everything was interconnected and every part was vital to the story line. The teens that had the bug became more enticing to the "clean" people and they were drawn in like a moth to flame. It was neat how they ended up tying all of the missing people up at the end, like rob and all of the dolls. This was definitely a "graphic" novel as it meant for the older crowd. The nudity brought emphasis to what the people were saying, though at times got a little excessive. I wish there had been page numbers, grrr... Overall, I liked it and it came and went in a timely manner reading wise.


f.v said...

i agree, it never mentions how the bug started or where it came from. And apparently you could get it trhoug sex but there is a part where on eof teh guys with the bug spits inside another guys mouth and tells him how that will make him one of them. i liked it too