Monday, March 24, 2008

V for Vendetta- 2nd part

It took me a little while to really understand what was going on at first. I had to reread and flip back a few times in the chapter The Veil. I really liked the part that seemed to go back and forth between times quickly with Evey. Though it took me a minute to understand what was happening, once I got it, I really liked it.
The prison part really through me off. At first, I really thought she was in prison. It really shocked me when V revealed himself to be behind the whole thing. I was also a little surprised at Evey's reaction. After finding out V had tortured her, she let him comfort her hold her. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think I would be so willing to let him touch me so soon after that experience. Though I can see why she would be thankful to him for making her stronger, I didn't really understand why she was so kind to him afterwards.
I'm really starting to get excited to see what happens with V as he challenges the government. He is apparently starting to have an impact on the people, what with the girl painting his V symbol on the wall. It also gives the feeling that V isn't just a person anymore. He is becoming and idea or symbol for freedom, a way out of the government. Even if he dies, his idea will keep going as other people spread it. He's getting more power against the government.


Jem said...

I wasn't really shocked that Evey wasn't mad for that long. You have to keep in mind that she feels a connection with V. Besides you could see her kinda realizing that V was helping her even though to everyone else it looked like he was just torturing her for fun.
But yes V is truly becoming a symbol of change. Truly affecting everyone especially the younger generation.

Shelly Gates said...

you have to figure that when you have been alone for that long in solitary confinement, any kind of consolation would be desired... though the person that delivered it was none other than the on who put the burden on you in the first place. by this time, she was already really attached to him as a host body and couldn't stand it to be with out him.... weird huh?