Thursday, April 3, 2008

Black Hole first 1/2

Well. Hmmm. I guess the book has weirded me out. This whole mouth in the neck, hole in the back, warts on the face, and uneven teeth thing freaked me out. What is with this desease that is passed through sex? Is he doing some type of parallel on HIV? Or is he trying to scare teenagers from having sex. And what is with all the nudity? That bothers me a little. I would rather not watch to individuals having sex in a book. But on a good note I am intrigued to find out what happens to Rob and Chris. Are they going to join the mutilated camp or actually leave for California? It is so funny, I always come away from these readings with more questions than anything else.


Unknown said...

Youre right about the vagueness of the book. I do come out of the author's world with even more questions, but i dont feel at a loss. It is bizarre and morbit at times, yet its compelling and i look forward to descifering what the author wants to tell us.

patrickburns said...

I don't mean to be rude, but we're in college. Sex is all around us, and has been around society since we were young. As adults, this is something we will encounter for many years to come. Not to be harsh, but get used to it.