Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lakoff article questions/answers

1. Lakoff states that the power of words is to make the opponent "killable" or "inferior."

2. I think that Lakoff is right when she states this. If we didn't have a mental degradation of opponents in wartime, we would feel more guilty about killing. The words provide a way to make killing just, and right. There would be another civil war within the united states, I think, if we didn't use any termanology for the opponent.

3. I think this is a very even call. It seems like it would be more on language because of the title "the POWER OF WORDS in wartime," but it is also states a lot of things about how wartime is effected. So I think it is an even call.

4. I agree that these habits make it inevitable. The torturing and humiliation at Abu Ghraib probably wouldn't have happened if there wasn't such a negative termanology put upon opponents in war. They were named as not even humans, so they wouldn't have feelings.

5. Again, I think this could be either way. It depends on the type of reader you are. Some people would agree that the information is implicit, but if you're like my dad, you would take the article literally and then think that since she didn't specifically state the information, the essay would be less accurate.