Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lakoff Questions/Answers

1. Words in wartime have a great power to make soldiers feel better about themselves, by making the enemy seem inferior, less contemptible and not like "us."

2. No, I think language in wartime, is a big deal, especially because it gives us a sense of superiority and control over things, which makes us that much more willing to keep fighting during wartime.

3. I think this essay goes over both things since wartime does bring a different language into people, since they need to start talking down the enemy so they can feel superior and think they can have a better shot at winning. So wartime brings out his new type of language in people.

4. I think she is right in this statement, because unless soldiers take on this different way of talking and looking at other they will not be able to fight and in simple words kill another human being, but at the same time this new way of living does change many of them and cause things like Abu Ghraib.

5. I am not sure if this was a mistake or not, but I don't think it was implicit since this is a very important aspect of it. Because American soldiers to suffer because of this and they do have to deal with it. I think it is an important part missing form her essay done by error.