Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Power of Words in Wartime

This article calls attention to the interesting habit of nations and peoples, of coming up with some sort of nickname for those who they are at odds against. At first it can be seen as just a way to refer to them, or a shortened meaning of their cultures. But if we delve a little deeper into why this is so important, we find that it actually allows the soldiers to view their enemy as less than human. If they don’t see them as men or women, but rather the “enemy” it makes it much easier to do terrible things, without feeling guilty about it. I think this is a very insightful look at it. If I was on a battle field and started referring to my enemy, and the boy with brown hair and blue eyes, it would be much harder to want to do harm to them. However if you sort of numb the fact that they are humans, and look at them in a sort of evil creature way, it is much easier.