Thursday, March 20, 2008

So much in just 100 pages

I thought I would have a hard time getting through V but it was really hard to put down. There are so many questions I have and so little answers. For example why are their little masks on certain pages. There is no real pattern for it. And I thought I knew who V was based on some dates but that was proven wrong at the end of the first book. There seems to be a reason for the numbers. For example why the date in the first frame is all written out in numbers only. But one thing is for sure I really like this graphic novel. It constantly has me looking at every frame for little clues. I really can't put it down. I want to keep going and I almost didn't stop because it is so good intresting and never get's dull. I also want to watch the movie now and I never wanted to see it before. One thing is for certian Alan Moore and David Lloyd really know how to write a fictional mystery. The scary part of the whole novel is that it really could or could have happened. Think about it.


rebekah said...

I agree. This book is hard to put down. And I feel like the action started in the very first pages and has not let up the entire time. Murder, rescue, explosions, mystery, experiments, death threats, adultery, revenge, torture. The authors are good at keeping the reader captivated by the story and desperate to read more.

f.v said...

It is interesting because i found out that gfor me the colors were distracting me from the text and therefore had to focus on teh textx more, but now that you mention the little masks it hink i'll have a second look. Yes and it is quite disburbing how it could have happened and how in other countries it actually did, i couldn't help but notice the similarities with the nazi regime.

AReed said...

I also agree that the book is hard to put down, but not so much because of what its saying, because of the message the details contain. The authors are definately good at writing graphic novels like this.

Jewels said...

I also was trying to figure out why there were little maskes on only some of the pages. I think it might have to do with when something important just happened or something important is about to happen. That's my guess.