Thursday, March 27, 2008

V 2

After reading part 2 of V I was a little more into the book, but still I must say I enjoyed the movie more. I think since i had already seen the movie I was sort of expecting things from the book, rather than be expecting surprises while reading. I had been waiting for most of the things in the book to happen, except for a few surprises, like the computer and the leader having fun. I think it is getting a little easier to follow since I am getting more in with the characters. Cannot wait to see if there is a different ending than the movie.


rebekah said...

What was with the leader and his computer? I found that part rather disturbing. Actually, I didn't notice it while I was reading; however, someone had to point it out in class. Really? Who could possibly have a crush on a computer? He must have been insanely lonely. And I guess he was not attracted to humans.