Wednesday, March 19, 2008

V for Vendetta -first 100

One thing that struck me about this reading was the amount of corruption among the government leaders. V murders a number of individual, and the majority of which are rather immoral. For example Mr. Prothero who had been involved in the cruel experiment that occurred at the resettlement camp. The minister is also an evil man, because he sleeps with young innocent young girls. Then there is Mr. Almond who treats his wife poorly and threatens her with an unloaded gun. Even though killing is wrong, as a reader I could not help thinking that some of those that got murdered deserved it.

I have a hard time understanding the main character named V. I can’t figure out if he is completely insane or if he is extremely intellectual. So little is known about his past and there are so many questions that have been left unanswered about his personality.


Jem said...

That's the thing. You notice how the characters are all extremes except for one person. Delia (the doctor) was constantly called a good and caring person. Then all of a sudden this really dark side is shown. Everyone else had a dark side and then a worse side shown. Strange how the women is really in the middle but the men are the extremes. That's why we feel so happy when V kills his victims.
Most people that are extremely intellectual tend to be looked at as insane or strange. It is because no one can truly get them. I think that V is "insane" because he is so smart. I mean he is a criminal genius. That's why I respect the guy and fear him at the same time.